I have shared some on the Holy Spirit. Know I will share on forgiveness...because the Holy Spirit also helps us in this area. That is our choice...alone...
Blessed is he whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord does not count against him and in whose spirit is no deceit. Psalm 31:1,2
In one bold stroke, forgiveness obliterates the past and permits us to enter the land of new beginnings.
Billy Graham says: God's forgiveness is not just a casual statement; it is the complete blotting out of all the dirt and degradation of our past, present, and future. The only reason our sins can be forgiven is that, on the cross Jesus Christ paid their full penalty. But only as we bow at the foot of the cross, in contriion, confession, and repentance, can we find forgiveness.
The Basis for Forgiveness.
Own up to it what we are and have done(repentance) Psalm 51:3,4
Ask for forgiveness: Psalm 51:7,9
The results of Forgiveness;
Reconciliation. II Corinthians 5:19
Purification. Psalm 51:7 Romans 4:7; I John 1:9
Hebrew 8:12, Psalm 103:12; Isaiah 38:17
Remission. John 8:11 ; Romans 8:1
What a great privilege you have as you share with inquirers the joy of God's forgivenss!
We all sin daily....But it is what you do with your sin. Sometimes you don't even know if you sin(hurting others etc.) But once we know do something about. Ask God to forgive and He will cleanse you. and go to the other party invold and ask for forgiveness. Get it cleared....
You will be blessed .. Don't worry about the other party if they don't confront you they will be accountable to God. Do what God wants you to do...OBEDIENCE... to His Word...
Remember NO ONE IS PERFECT only Christ....We all need to remember this when things come and go in our life.
More tomorrow....Hope your encourage as much as I have been. The Bible is the Key! To ALL things in our life.
Love you all and have a wonderful day. hugs Deb
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