For the Christian Who is Bitter or Resentful:
1. Gently point out the sinfulness of such an attitude. He or she needs first of all to put his or her own house in order, confessing the bitterness and resentment to God as sin.
2. Encourage forgiveness of those who have offended or hurt. This may be difficult, but God commands it! Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. (Colossians 3:13)
Sometimes those who deserve forgiveness the least need it the most! Forgiving as the Lord forgave implies forgetting. This may be difficult and may require time, but God can change our attitudes. Matthew 18:21-35
3. Recommend seeking to restore the broken relationship in the spirit of Colossian 3:13. in all probablility, this will mean "going the second mile Matthew 5:41, but this may be necessary in order to renew the relationship,.The Gospel always cuts across the grain of human reactions and conduct. Until one of the parties involved takes the initiative toward forgiveness and restoration, the broken relationship will continue.
again the key: is if you have a problem with someone You need to go to that person and talk and make restoration...
(Some of this is taken out of Billy Graham Christian Worker's Handbook...and some is my word and from the Bible....Love this much nuggets and Learning tool.)
Well we just.........need to.....
(remember the Bible says: if you have bitterness, sin etc, anything toward someone you need to go to that person and get it right. Most people get it backwards. they thing the person they have a problem with should come to them...) God want's us to ask for forgiveness and restoration, the broken relationship. If you don't the Holy Spirit will prick your heart , until you get it right or you will not be in fellowship with Him.
Bitterness is a sin...
I know it is not easy to ask for forgiveness..or I should say confront that person when you find out about what they/you did. .I have been there. Sometimes I don't even know if I have hurt someone. But once it is address, I do make a point to get it right with the other party or parties. It isn't easy, but we need to be obedient to God and God alone. And I promise you will be blessed by God.. and other's will see you shine for Christ.
Again I can not stress it enough: We are ALL SINNER'S...Roman's 3:23 .But once your a child of God , you need to be obedient to God's Word...put it into action..Get things getting it right and you will have a peace of God in your Heart and get back on the right track.
Well again I thank God for His forgiveness , may you be blessed today.
Remember to be that Light...and when you do fail..get right with God and others if you have any bitterness , hate, etc in your hearts. God see's all things and what He desires is to see His children to be obedient to His Word!
Hugs Deb
(Forgiveness part 3 will be on For the Christian who cannot forgive Himself or herself:)this will be up next week after the week-end.
Great reminder for us all...
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