Sunday, September 24, 2017

Nana & Papa doing up Sauerkraut

What a wonderful day together . Wanted to share with you how too make Sauerkraut;
Remove defective and coarse outer leaves from the cabbage. Also cut away any spoiled or damaged spots. Rinse heads in cold water to remove dust or dirt. The bacteria needed to ferment the cabbage are found on the cabbage leaves.
Cut heads into quarters and shred the cabbage so that the shred is as long and thin as possible. 

Weigh the cabbage. For every 5 lb. of cabbage, sprinkle with 3 T. pure canning/pickling salt (use a noniodized salt)

Mix well to distribute the salt uniformly. Allow the salted cabbage to stand a few minutes to wilt slightly. 

Then pound the cabbage firmly with a wooden tamper until enough juices are drawn out to cover the cabbage. Repeat this procedure, layer by layer, until the container is filled to the desired depth and the cabbage is completely covered with juice.

Leave at least 5 inches between the cabbage and the top of the container.It is absolutely essential that you cover the cabbage and liquid to exclude air, Place a quart canning jar filled with water and sealed, place a plate on top of cabbage and place the quart jar on top of plate for weight. then add cheese cloth and cover with crock lid.
Enjoy and please let me know how you made out. Will posted other ways or making Sauerkraut.

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