Sunday, October 27, 2013

Chapter four "Lord, Change Me?"

Chapter four
Changed-When I study God's Word.

How did you make out reading Romans 12? Did you see in verse 1, SURRENDER ALL, verse 2 LET GOD TRANSFORM ME, NOT THE WORLD. Change the way THINKING, then you will learn to know GOD'S WILL.
So much more...But this verses stood out to me...What a great reminder and may I put it to practice in my life.

Deep Bible Study also produces Spiritual Maturity- Christlikeness in me.

In this chapter what stood out..

OBSERVATION: Observe accurately what the passage really says.
Purpose of a Bible Study is to let God be the Teacher.....

INTERPRETATION: Study what the tests says. Look up word meaning. Must spend time studying its meaning.

APPLICATION: Real change in us comes when we take the truths we have observed and interpreted and apply them to our lives.

Ask yourself these questions as you read God's Word.
1. What already was a part of my thinking?
2. What is new to me?
3. What requires a change in my thinking?
4. What already was a part of my actions?
5. What can be applied to my behavior?
6. What am I doing wrong?
7. What action can I take to obey now?

So apply the three: Observation, Interpretation, Application...this week ..

May you see a change in your life ...
Have a great Day..Deb

Chapter three "Lord, Change Me?"

Chapter Three

Study on II Timothy 3:16 How God used Scripture to Change you..
Let's brake down some of the word in II Timothy 3:16
DOCTRINE: When God stops us on something He wants changed in our beliefs only
REPROOF: The process of exposing and conviction of  things He is dissatisfied with in our lives
CORRECTION: Restoration to an upright state
INSTRUCTION IN RIGHTEOUSNESS: Showing us the directions He wants us to go (JB Phillips translated this "re-setting the direction of a man's life and training him in good living.)

Keep studying God's Word.
for home work write out a Dear God letter. After God speaks through His Word, write God a letter telling Him what he will change in your life because of what God pointed out to you. SEAL IT and re-open next month. See how God is changing you...

Study Romans 12 as well.

Hugs Deb

Chapter 2 "Lord Change Me!"

Lord, How Do I Change?

Where you get Wisdom to Change? James 1:5
Who is the teacher right conduct of life? I John 2:27
How He teaches. Isaiah 28:9

Chapter 2
Seven methods of how God changes us will be dealt with in the next seven chapters. The first method-
Reading in Scripture till God speaks. Try it out read until God stops you by making YOU aware of a specific need, prayer to pray, truth to apply, and so forth. Stop reading at once and ACT on what you have read.

How do we change? James 1:5- We ask God for wisdom.
What is a good definition of wisdom? Wisdom is a practical , applied life style. Not only knowing something in our heads, but applying it to our lives so it becomes a part of us.

How does God answer our prayer for wisdom? He will give it to you if you ask.

Does God ever turn us down when we ask for wisdom? NO- He will not rebuke you for asking.

What is the process of seeking wisdom from His Word? Read till God stops us.

Psalm 25:5 Lead me in Your truth and teach me, For You are the God of my salvation; On You I wait all the day.
By Reading God's Word , touches are Heart

How does God speak to us? II Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is given by inspiration(God Breath) of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.
He will give us a new thought from an old familiar verse on passage, other times a single word of several words will seem to be in bold print, or feel a gentle nudge from God.

When God stops us, we should analyze His reason for stopping us. We each need to ask what can I do to change Lord..
How will we be changed? Isaiah 28:9,10 Whom will he teach knowledge? And whom will he make to understand the message? Those just weaned from milk? Those just drawn from the breasts? For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept, Line upon line, line upon line, Here a little, there alittle.

Homework: Keep a spiritual diary of what God says(speaks) to you in the coming week on Colossians 3:1-4:6 Read it daily...Please let me know how God spoke to you..would love to hear how God is working in your heart and life.

I pray for you asking God to REMOVE ALL hindrance in your life.

Just a reminder: What are the six things to apply to your & my life?

May the Word of God dwell in you! God Bless and have a great week. Deb

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Hot Chocolate Treat!

Dip marshmallow in melted chocolate, roll into crushed candy cane candy. Then stick a candy cane in middle of  the marshmallows. Get a cup of Hot chocolate ready and place into cup..  YUMMY!!! This will be a great treat on a cold winter night...

Being a" Nana"

Most exciting news!!! I'm a "Nana" again...
My son and daughter-in-law had identical twin girls...What a Blessing and answer of prayer. My daughter-in-law has been bed rest in the hospital for over three months. The doctors didn't have much hope if she(our granddaughters would make it in the world. But guess what God had other plans...Love it when God shows His Power, Hand on his children. Oh! did I say also the girls were born one month earlier as well, and one of the girls weight was 6lbs and 14oz, and the other 5lbs and 6oz.
My hubby and I have been so blessed to have two beautiful grand girls. I want to share with you the two miracle twins.
Just got cleaned up: Welcome Evelyn and Lydia

Lydia and Evelyn winter hats I made for them!

What a awesome feeling holding my twin grandchildren. Bundle of JOY!

Just had to share this picture my daughter-in-law sent me of Evelyn....Isn't see such a doll....
Again want to Thank my Heavenly Father for the two precious girls and caring for my daughter-in-law as well. God does answer prayers folks don't ever doubt that. 
Proverbs 3:5,6 
God Bless you all; "Nana" Deb

Sunday, October 6, 2013

30th. Anniversary at the 'Springfield Community Chapel"

What Fun had by all. "Babble the Clown" Face Painting adults and children.
Great week-end!
Face painting a pastor's wife.

Clown for Christ! "Babble's"

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Chapter 1 :Lord Change Me"

iChapter 1

Who , me change?
I'm doing  okay on the level
where I am.
You mean there's something
better than
what I have?

Do you like yourself pretty much as you are now? Or do you feel you could stand some changing?
Do you think you could have better relationships with people than you have now?
Can you think of a particular relationship that could be improved? Are you satisfied with your relationshp with God or could it be better also?

How God showed me this week where I needed to be changed. One thing I do struggle with is self worth .
 God you can use someone else that has more knowledge then I, But thankfully God showed me that I'm worthy ....I'm a child of the King!!!  Ephesians 4:1 Therefore I, a prisoner for serving the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God.
I see here God has chosen me(us) to be Christ's representatives on earth, in light of this truth, Paul challenges us to live lives worthy of the calling we have received-the awesome privilege of being called Christ's very own. This includes being humble, gentle, patient, understanding, and peaceful. People are watching your life. Can they see Christ in you?How well are you doing as his representative?
Just remember Satan will try to do ANYTHING to get your minds, heart and soul off Christ..He will do anything to discourage you..So DON'T SATAN win... CHRIST IS THE VICTORY!!!!

Becoming more Christlike-- Admitting that I(you) was the one who needed changing.
We are responsible before God for our actions and the changes that need to be made in us. Other people are responsible before God for their actions and need to change.

What is the goal of any change in our lives? Romans 8:29; I John 3;2
For the benefit of any non-Christians in the session, mention that only members of God's family-those who have accepted His gift of eternal life through faith in His Son Romans 6:23- can bear the 'family likeness of His Son: Romans 8:29.

Study I Peter 3:1-2

Some questions for you to think about.
How "chaste (pure) and reverent" would you rate your behavior on a scale of 1-10?
Are there any relationships with your family, close friends, and acquaintance you think could be improved? Consider those with your husband, wife, children, mother-in-law, and so forth.

Do you think the relationship would improve if the other person would only change? Stop doing so-and-so? Stop saying this or that?
How would others rate you on this scale? Do people have a tendency to tell you what they think of you rather than to observe your "chaste and reverent" behavior?
How would God rate you on this scale? As He looks at your life, do you think He feels all the problems in your relationships with others are always the other person fault? Does He see anything in your life that needs changing? How well do you know Him-as Saviour and Lord? Do you feel the need to pray, "Lord , change me today"?

Are you willing to change in any way He asks you to?
Do you honestly feel you could ask other people to " do as I do not as I say"?

Assignment: Pick one person toward whom his behavior needs to change....

Something to think about and apply to your life...Remember WWJD